
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

How Do Maori People Use Gourds To P Preserver Birds In Fat

In my group we have been learning all about how Maori people use gourds to preserve Birds in fat. My group have been searching on Google for facts and finding out the keywords we don't understand these were our keywords they were Titi,Gourds,Birds in fat .

And this is my presentation my group Vine,Kevin,Gabby,Issac,Elaine and Ingrid had done.


  1. Hi my name is May and I just want to say that you have done such a great presentation and you have really worked hard:) Keep the good work!

    From May

  2. Hi there,
    I love your Maori presentation that is very cool. I know that grounds are used to store water i did not know that keep up the great work from Dartanian


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