
Thursday, 9 June 2016


  • Arachnid not insects
  • 8 legs
  • Antarctica
  • 4000 species
  • Goliath the birdeater
  • Spiderwebs cobwebs
  • 15 - 25 year
  • Known spider tarantula
  • Cellar spider Nelson cave spider
  • Leg span 13 cm
  • 1-3 years
  • 1-2 years
  • Scientific name Araneae
  • Daddy long legs
  • Three Species
  • Katipo spider
  • Redback
  • Whitetail
  • Mice
  • Lizards
  • Birds

You may think that all spiders are insects. Spiders are different in two ways A. they are called Arachnids B. they have only 8 legs and not 6.

Ranging at the world’s largest spider,Goliath the birdeater eats up to twice as much as a normal spider and have a lifespan of 15-25 years if it was a female and if the spider was a male it would only live up to 3-6 years. Spiders are found in every continent except for Antarctica. 4000 different types of species. A spider can lay up to 100 eggs and fertilize it in its web.

The most common spider to be found in most houses of New Zealand is called the Daddy long legs this is very common as it like to be high up in ceiling walls and can be sometimes called the cellar spider. Here in New Zealand  we have three types of spiders, the katipo,redback and the white tail. Our biggest spider is known as the Nelson cave spider it has legs that extend 13cm and a body 3cm or 1.2 in body length.
The Scientific name given to the spiders is called “Araneae”.Fun fact if you ever see abandoned web it would be called a cobweb. Spiders are arachnids that anybody can get scared of this is called “arachnophobia fear of spiders. Goliath the birdeater is known to come from the tarantula family. As you can tell for it fury brown skin and similar feature to a normal tarantula.

Carnivorous spiders such as the black widow eats mosquitoes,beetles and grasshopper etc. They can eat anything that gets caught in their webs. They have a body that separates into 2 segment the front Cephalothorax is poisson's these feature the eyes,mouth,thangs glands and brain.

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